Monday - Saturday: 7.30pm
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday matinees: 2.30pm
(on 29, 31 Dec, 2, 9 & 16, 23 Jan)
"Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires."
Following their acclaimed collaboration on Medea at the National Theatre, Carrie Cracknell and Lucy Guerin create a new version of Shakespeare’s supernatural tragedy.
When the prophecy of three witches proclaims that Macbeth is destined to become King of Scotland, he and Lady Macbeth embark upon a murderous journey of treachery, paranoia, betrayal and suicide.
Beginning with Shakespeare’s text, powerful and unsettling choreography weaves its way throughout the story, until words falter and finally give way.
Cast & Creatives
Direction Carrie Cracknell & Lucy Guerin | Design Lizzie Clachan | Costume Merle Hensel | Light Neil Austin | Music Clark | Sound David McSeveney
Nicholas Burns, Mark Ebulué, John Heffernan, Thomasin Gülgeç, Ben Lamb, Ira Mandela, Siobhan Cassie, Layton Anna, Maxwell Martin, Ana Beatriz Meireles, Jessie Oshodi, Prasanna Puwanarajah, Clemmie Sveaas
Direction Carrie Cracknell & Lucy Guerin
Design Lizzie Clachan
Costume Merle Hensel
Light Neil Austin
Music Clark
Sound David McSeveney
Cast & Creatives
Nicholas Burns, Mark Ebulué, John Heffernan, Thomasin Gülgeç, Ben Lamb, Ira Mandela, Siobhan Cassie, Layton Anna, Maxwell Martin, Ana Beatriz Meireles, Jessie Oshodi, Prasanna Puwanarajah, Clemmie Sveaas