A Young Vic Taking Part project
Home 20
Available online from Mon 7 Jun
Home 20 is free to explore
This is a game that you will always win. It is an exploratory experience that is meant to be different for everyone. Explore it at your own pace. If you feel that you are lost please trust that you are where you’re supposed to be, but also that it is a way of learning more about these young collaborators who, like a lot of us, have felt very lost at times over the last year. You, like them, will find your way.
We hope you enjoy it.
Please trust the journey.
This online installation is a continuation of a physical installation created at the Young Vic in 2019. With a group of artists and young people, we explored their personal concepts of HOME - houses, cities, countries, spices, churches, textures, smells, games.
Since March 2020, our HOMEs have taken on entirely new meanings. This website reflects parts of those changes for the young people that helped shape the original experience at the YV.
Take some time with this digital space. Be curious. Make yourself comfortable and come and explore our HOME(s) virtually.
With thanks to American Express for their support of Home 2019.
Home 20 Website Tour
Director Taio Lawson
Designer Rosanna Vize
Sound Designer Dan Balfour
Producer Lorna McGinty
Accessibility Video Producer Grace Ludlam
Home 2019 Original Concept Producer Georgia Dale